Plugins for PE Builder
In order to use SAPI, tts-voices and screen readers, you must incorporate a sound function to PE beforehand.
You can get Enable Sound Plugin from

SAPI3 v1.002 (Feb. 28 2004)
Microsoft Speech API 3(SAPI3) Plugin.
There is GenSAPI3Inf.exe in this distribution. That will create SAPI3.inf file.

SAPI4 v1.002 (Feb. 28 2004)
Microsoft Speech API 4(SAPI4) Plugin.
There is GenSAPI4Inf.exe in this distribution. That will create SAPI4.inf file.

IBM's TTS Voices v1.020 (May. 29 2004)
ProTALKER 97, ViaVoice, and Outloud Voice Engines of English HPR attachment are supported.
Execution of GenIBMVoicesInf.exe generates IBMVoices.inf plugin.

IBM's Menu and Dialog Reader in HPR v1.010 (Apr. 13 2004)
Inclusion of SAPI and some TTS engine is required.
Execution of GenMDRInf.exe generates MDR.inf plugin.

Delayed Startup v1.002c (Apr. 23 2004)
This program delays the starting of some programs.
If you want to start MDR(Menu and Dialog Reader) automatically at PE's boot-up, you need this plugin.
In the case of English version HPR, it is necessaly to edit DelayedStartup.ini file.

old: Program0="B:\MDR2\MDR2.exe"
new: Program0="B:\MDR2\MDR.exe"

Because the execution file of English version is "mdr.exe", not "mdr2.exe".

Home Page Reader v1.004 (Apr. 4 2004)
IBM's Home Page Reader Plugin.
Inclusion of SAPI and some TTS engine is required.
Execution of GenHPRInf.exe generates HPR.inf plugin.

Text Editor SARI v1.002 (Feb. 28 2004)
A Japanese Text Editor SARI Plguin.

ClipReader v1.001 (Feb. 20 2004)
ClipReader Plugin.
ClipReader is a Windows Clipboard tool with text-reading functions and manupulating of task tray icons by keyboard.
Sorry, this program uses Japanese language.
If you are interested in this program, you can get it directly from this link (Download of ClipReader v1.073).